If you’ve been watching all the incredible parkour videos on Youtube, it would seem to be that way. However, there are 3 important points to consider:
- Parkour training actually focuses on minimising impact, and training your body to be light and learning how to absorb impact in the most efficient way – which is why rolls are often used for big jumps. This is direct contrast with say martial arts, which focuses on creating maximal impact.
- A lot of training is also focused on developing your body armour and strengthening not only your muscles but your connective tissue – tendons, ligaments and joints, so they are able to withstand the larger impact movements – This is why conditioning is an essential and important part of parkour training.
- Parkour for the most part is about you, your body and learning how to move. there is no one else involved and therefore you have total control. There is no risk of someone else striking you as in martial arts, or suffering a bad tackle or colliding with others competitors in team sports. Safety is always a number one priority – Part of the training is learning about your limits, your abilities and being confident in what you can do, and not attempting anything when you are not ready.